Pash and Avarice

I thought about the best-man’s speech that I gave for Wolf at his rehearsal dinner and it inspired me to delve a bit more deeply into the subject I broached. The line of my speech went something like this:

“…We live in a world where being jaded and cynical is the norm. It is a world where love is far too scarce. You two have found a gift, probably the most precious of gifts that can be granted…”

Of course, there was more to it but this is the section I wish to expand upon. We do live in a jaded and cynical world. Far too many of the Human Race have traded such virtues and Love, Honor, and Trust for the cheap wine of Greed and Power. I do believe that Love is the greatest gift given to the Human Race. There is no single force more powerful in our possession. Think of all of the great good and great evil done in the name of Love. It is the single most potent expression of emotion we have. Unfortunately it has fallen in status over the course of our ‘evolution’.

How can we truly think that we have evolved when we sacrifice the greatest part of ourselves for meaningless baubles like technology or money or ‘power’ in the rat race? Why must Love suffer for these changes to happen? They are not related in any way other than through the Human Race itself. What is it about ourselves that causes the paradigm shift to cruelty for material gains? What material possession could make us even begin to consider the possibility of maybe thinking that it could be worthy of doing nothing more than paling in comparison to Love?

I have a theory on that, actually. Mother Culture. The force of media, societal conditioning, peer pressure, and well calculated misinformation. Mother Culture is responsible for this shift. It was not something done overnight. It has been centuries in the making and it still is not done. She is a cruel mistress that requires cruelty and apathy from us to survive. Unfortunately, she has been getting exactly what she wants.

This is the reason I love freely. This is why I never pass up a chance to fall in love. There is not nearly enough in this world right now. The only way to change that is to fight the flow of humanity’s drive. I’m not saying we should forsake all of our worldly possession or strive to move up (in Mother Culture’s meaning) in the world. By all means, if that is a motivation for you to continue on in life, then do so. There is nothing wrong with that.

But never, let me repeat that…never…pass up the opportunity to love. Love is the greatest force ever conceived. It is the greatest gift the Human Race was ever given. It is the most precious thing we possess. It should be shared freely and often. It should be unrestricted. Let Love flow and the world will become a better place. Why? Because Love conquers all. No amount of malice or hatred or bias or self-loathing can withstand unrestricted Love.

I speak not of physical acts. I speak not of things that laws forbid. Using the word for such things is Mother Culture’s doing. She had to cage the boundless to control it. Love would defeat Mother Culture otherwise. When I say Love, I mean a deep feeling of affection for another. It could be the Love one feels for a parent or sibling. It could be a romantic Love that one feels for that special someone that they hope to spend the rest of their lives with. It could be the Love that soldiers feel for their country. Love has many forms and all of them are beautiful. All of them are profound in their own way. All of them should be experienced.

One should never fear to Love another. One should not feel that it makes them a bad person to feel romantic Love for more than one person. It means that you have taken a step away from Mother Culture. It means you are one step closer to being a person who is helping to give to the world that which is sorely lacks. You are improving the ‘evolution’ of the Human Race. Once you see Love for all of its many gifts and accept that Love is a wonderful thing that should be shared by everyone, then the shift will begin to move in the right direction. It will be the way Nature intended…the way we were meant to be.

So, everyone, I say Love often, Love deeply, Love freely. Do not cage something boundless. Do not limit the power of Humanity. Show your Love.

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