
You say it all the time
I don’t want to be here
But what you never say is
Where you want to be

Where do you want to be
Where do you want to go
What is it that you want
What is it that you need

Only you can answer that
Only you know what it is
In the silence of the heart
In the silence of the soul

That is where the answers wait
You have but to hear the silence
It will guide you better
Than a cluttered mind


How do you put words
on feelings this deep
they all fall short
they cage something boundless

Language is too limited
Actions are not enough
But a look
See it in my eyes

It is in them
It is all there
In them you might see
In them you might know

In them


Feathered wings
White or black
It matters not
They walk a path

Not on pedastals
Not in the clouds
No longer above us
But here on the ground

Some see only devils
Castoffs and rejects
I see them fortunate
They walk among us


Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.


This is kind of an almagamation of Shadowalker and Rangers and about three other writings that weren’t posted.


In the darkness of night
the shadows of day
a form slowly moves
observing the view

This is my life
to walk in places
others will not go
out of fear of unknowns

Here I abide
and stand firm, determined
no ground will I give
nor back will I turn

This is my home
it is all I have known
understanding the beast
makes it a beast no more

Some fear the dark
but the dark fears me
I know of its secrets
and hidden frailties

But make no mistake
about my place here
I stand in the dark
to hold it at bay

One cannot fight
an enemy unknown
or one will lose
before one volley thrown

I know the dark
it is my home
I know it well
so I will not lose

point of view

Every angle different
every refraction shimmers
every glimmer a different tint
every facet a new vision

What I will see
you may not
unless you look
through my eyes

I move around
looking at the angles
seeing the entire picture

Just one view
is not enough
who knows what’s hidden
if you never seek it out


I have a thing for dark winged angels. To me, it seems a white winged angel believes they are pure and practically flawless. A black winged angel knows this to be silly. We all have flaws. Those of dark wings accept their flaws. If I have wings of my own, I know they are the color of shadows. Flaws have a way of enhancing one’s beauty…I’m not speaking physically, though that can certainly be part of it. I mean a person who accepts their own…dents, if you will…to be much more attractive.


We live for the One. We die for the One. We walk in the dark places that no one else will enter. We stand on the bridge and no one may pass.


The thought of a wedding is something nice. Being a guest at a wedding is an emotional experience. Being in a wedding and/or planning and organizing a wedding is pure unfiltered stress. It’s a psychological, physical, emotional, and spiritual drain. Oh, I’m not saying a wedding isn’t worth it. But make no mistake, few things you will encounter in life will test your resilience like pulling off a perfect wedding.

I spent the majority of the afternoon and evening putting out fires and preventing feuds. My father was as belligerent as ever. My mother was frayed and stretched taut since she was pretty much left to put the entire wedding together single-handedly. Chaos stepped up to throw the next pitch. This is where I come in.

I was mediator between my mother and everybody…my sister and our parents…my father and mother…and pretty much anyone else that wanted to add their own little touch of entropy to the festivities. Luckily I happen to be an agent of perversity (I hope you know the difference between the perverse and the perverted). If you pit entropy against perversity…well…things have a way of working out. Chaos doesn’t stand a chance. Home Run!

All in all, it went well from my sister’s point of view. That’s what really matters.

Categorized as humor